Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Campfire Breakfast Burritos

So I don't normally do recipes - there are a million websites dedicated to recipes of all sorts.  Most of them have about 100 pages of pictures - one for every shake of the salt shaker.  I'm not going to do that because that format drives me crazy, and this will probably be the only recipe on this blog.  But I made a bunch of these in advance of a camping trip last weekend, and they were too good not to share.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Rocky Mountain High - September 2015

Rocky Mountain High, Colorado

Every now and then the stars align and you get to do something awesome.  Such was the case for me this past summer.  And in my case, the stars that aligned were my work schedule, my home & kid schedule, and the work and home schedules of 4 of my friends.  And the something awesome was a trip to Colorado to climb mountains and drink beer.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Trip Planning 101

Most of my trips happen on short notice and go to places that I know like the back of my hand.  Planning for those trips takes minutes, not hours or days.  Who's in?  Who's going to drive?  What time should we leave?  I toss some gear in a bag and off we go. 

Not so with the bigger trips.  These are the trips that happen only every few years and go someplace great.  For me, the planning of these trips is an outlet for the anticipation and excitement that's building, and a chance to re-think gear and methods that are normally just "my way of doing it."  I thought I'd share what goes through my head during this planning process.