Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Campfire Breakfast Burritos

So I don't normally do recipes - there are a million websites dedicated to recipes of all sorts.  Most of them have about 100 pages of pictures - one for every shake of the salt shaker.  I'm not going to do that because that format drives me crazy, and this will probably be the only recipe on this blog.  But I made a bunch of these in advance of a camping trip last weekend, and they were too good not to share.


  • 2 dozen eggs & a healthy splash of milk
  • 2 lbs bulk chorizo
  • 1 bag frozen breakfast potatoes - I used Potatoes O'Brien with the peppers and onions already in there
  • A jar or two of your favorite salsa
  • 4 cups (or more) of shredded cheddar
  • 16 burrito sized tortillas
Ok, so obviously you can change this however you want, but proportionally this was about right, and it made 16 good sized burritos.  One burrito and a cup of coffee was all any of us needed for breakfast. 

Preparation At Home

This is probably obvious, but I'll run through it just in case. 
  1. Scramble the eggs and milk.  I had to do mine in 2 batches, and even then I used a big electric skillet to fit a whole dozen eggs.  Add plenty of salt and pepper.
  2. Brown the chorizo.  If you can't find bulk chorizo buy links and cut the casing off.
  3. Cook the frozen potatoes.  You could do this in the oven, you could throw them in a deep fryer, or you can fry them on a skillet.  I fried them in the skillet.  Next time I'd do something different, probably either  deep fry them or make my own roasted potatoes in the oven.
  4. Lay out a bunch of sheets of aluminum foil big enough that your burrito tortilla fits in the center with a couple of inches to spare on each end.  Put a tortilla on each sheet.
  5. Now put a scoop of eggs, a scoop of chorizo, and a scoop of potatoes on each tortilla.  If you do these a lot at a time it's easier to judge if you're getting the distribution equal.  I did 8 at a time, so I made sure to use half of each ingredient among the 8 tortillas in front of me.
  6. Add a little salsa (not too much or it will get soggy).
  7. Add a healthy handful of cheese.  I used cheddar but you could use whatever you like.  Pepperjack would also be good. 
  8. Wrap the burritos.  If you don't know how to do this Google it or go to Chipotle and watch them do it.  You have to do it right so the ends are well sealed.
  9. Use the foil to tightly wrap each individual burrito.  Crimp or otherwise seal the ends and you're ready to go.
  10. Toss them in a big plastic zipper bag and refrigerate until your trip, then toss the bag in the cooler until breakfast time.  I bet you could also make these way ahead and freeze them.  Note that I had to use 2 bags, and they were the oversized ones, a notch above gallon size.

Preparation at Camp

  1. Make fire
  2. Put burritos over fire
  3. Start coffee
  4. Make Bloody Mary
  5. Turn burrito
  6. Finish Bloody Mary
  7. Turn burrito
  8. Pour coffee
  9. Turn burrito
  10. Contemplate another Bloody Mary
  11. Remove burrito and enjoy

A Couple of Pictures

Ok, here's just a few photos of the whole thing in case it's helpful. 

Breakfast Burritos: Making scrambled eggs a dozen at a time
Making scrambled eggs a dozen at a time

Breakfast Burritos: Frying Potatoes
Frying potatoes

Breakfast Burritos: Browned Bulk Chorizo
Browned bulk chorizo

Breakfast Burritos: Tortillas ready to fill with eggs
Tortillas ready to fill with eggs

Breakfast Burritos: About to add chorizo
About to add chorizo

Breakfast Burritos: About to add potatoes
About to add potatoes

Breakfast Burritos: Cheesed and ready for salsa
Cheesed and ready for salsa

Breakfast Burritos: Ready to wrap
Ready to wrap

Breakfast burritos: One down, 15 to go
One down, 15 to go

Breakfast Burritos: First batch all rolled up
First batch all rolled up

Breakfast Burritos: Individually wrapped and ready for the fire
Individually wrapped and ready for the fire

The spoils of my labor - 16 delicious breakfast burritos ready for camp
The spoils of my labor - 16 delicious breakfast burritos ready for camp

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