Tuesday, July 22, 2014

When Life Gets in the Way

What happens to your training when life gets in the way?  In my case, it wasn't life, but rather an escape from life - a week-long vacation - that got in the way.  Spending a week on the beach with your family is a great time, but it's not a good way to get your workouts in unless you're really disciplined.  I went from commuting to work by bike (20 hilly miles each way) and lunchtime runs to lunchtime cookies and late-night Doritos.

In years past I have brought my bike, but I left it at home this year.  I did bring my running shoes and goggles, expecting to get in a daily open-ocean swim and a decent run.  I did none of that.

Training totals for last week:
  • 4 miles walking on the beach carrying a 30 pound kid on my back
  • 1 hour of tennis
  • 1 hour of bodyboarding
Too much food and way too much junk food + no real workouts = 7 pounds gained in 7 days.  Sweet. 

Can you blame me?

View from Deck
The View from our Deck

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