Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Fat Pants

19 Pounds.  8 ½ Kilos.  That's the weight I've gained since my last race at the end of September.  Here I sit, January 5th watching all the fools with their silly New Year Resolutions scramble to the gym to get that treadmill.  For them this will finally be the year they get back in shape.  At least for the first 3 weeks. 

Typically I take January off to avoid these idiots.  They clog the locker rooms, the pool lanes, and even the outdoor running paths.  This year might be different.

Following my last race in September, I've done some backpacking, some fishing, a lot of work around the house, and found out that both of my knees are screwed up from years of abuse.  It's definitely taken the wind out of my sails training-wise.  This time last year I was just coming off of a 50K and enjoying winter trail running season - my favorite season of the whole year.  This year I took my injury as an opportunity to blow off the last 3 months of the year, gain nearly 20 points and have a damn good time doing it. 

For the time being I'm forced to run low mileage and wear a brace on one knee, which makes the pain in the other knee more pronounced.  Eventually I'll end up with two braces or worse - surgery on one or both knees.  Running with the brace that the doc prescribed feels just wrong, and I can't get in any good trail running without driving to the trailhead, which for me kinda defeats the whole purpose.

So, this year might be different.  I'm not making Resolutions or going to the gym, but I may not be able to take January off for two reasons:

  1. I need to be able to fit into my "normal" pants again, or my wardrobe will be fairly limited.
  2. I need to know if my knees will be able to sustain a decent amount of running sooner rather than later.  I don't want to get into May and realize that I can't run long distances without some kind of extensive surgery and/or rehab. 

So, there you have it.  Life once again throwing curve balls, or in my case going all Tonya Harding on my knees.

Hope your holiday was better.

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