Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Which Race to Do - Part 3 (The Bike)

This is part 3 of a yet-to-be-determined number of parts detailing race selection for my 2015 "ultra" distance triathlon debut.  In case you missed it, here are the intro, part 1, and part 2.

In part 2 I talked about the differences among the swim courses, so here in part 3 let's talk about the bike.  "Full" or "ultra" distance bike courses are the longest of the three events by distance - 112 miles, and should take the most time of the three events as well.  It's fairly common for folks to overcook the bike segment and end up walking, crawling, shuffling, or otherwise working their way back to the finish line during what's supposed to be the run.  

The bike for me is a difficult event.  I want to be the strongest at it. It's my favorite event to do.  But I often find myself a better runner than cyclist.  I won't dive into all the potential reasons, but suffice to say when I'm looking at bike courses nothing scares me, and that's probably not a good thing.  

With that, lets dive in, shall we?

Recall from part 1 that there are five races I'm considering:
  • Ironman Wisconsin (IMMoo)
  • Ironman Louisville (IMLou)
  • Ironman Chattanooga (IMChoo)
  • Ironman Lake Placid (IMLP)
  • Rev3 Cedar Point
Here's a quick rundown of the bike courses:
Course: A 16 mile ride out to two 40 mile loops, with the same 16 miles back in
Challenge: According to most accounts, the course is quite hilly.  Actual reported numbers vary quite a bit, but I think it's somewhere around a mile of climbing spread out over continuous rollers throughout the course.  No massive, course-defining climbs, just constant ups and downs.
Course:  Similar to IMMoo, there's a ride out to a 2-loop section, but with a short out-and-back branch thrown in on the way out
Challenge: This course is rolling but much less hilly than IMMoo, but heat and humidity are the real challenges here.
Course:  Similar to the others, I'd ride 11 miles out to two 45 mile loops, and then 11 miles back in.  Plus, you get to ride on "Hog Jowl Road"... only in the south.
Challenge:  Another rolling, winding bike course.  Something like 3,400 feet of climbing, but it's all rollers and very gradual climbs.  Of all the courses, this one looks like the best fit for my riding style / preferences.
Course:  Two loops, with a couple of short out-and-back sections.
Challenge: By many accounts, this is one of the tougher bike courses.  It is, after all, in the Adirondack mountains and near the site of the 1980 Winter Olympics, complete with ski events.  Nearly 8,000 feet of climbing in total, plus or minus some.
Rev3 Cedar Point
Course: Another Lollipop course with 2 loops, each a little over 30 miles.
Challenge: This course is basically dead-pan flat, but there is one likely challenge: wind.  Being so near to Lake Erie and being so flat, this area is notoriously windy. 

I'm not scared by the IMMoo or IMLP courses.  I don't particularly care for the Cedar Point course as flat and wind makes for a very boring day.  IMLou is interesting and I'm sure relatively scenic, but if I had to pick a bike course it would probably be Chattanooga.  It fits my preferences the best. 

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